Friday 15 August 2014


Yesterday the world lost a truly wonderful man. My earliest memories consist of climbing up onto to Grandpa's knee. We love you and will miss you so much Grandpa. If someone is held within the hearts of so many who loved him can he ever truly be gone?

Friday 1 August 2014

24 weeks!

Time is flying with this pregnancy and I feel the urge to nest but I already have a nursery so I'm going to focus my energy on preparing Ethan's new room. Can't wait to start sorting through tiny little clothes again. It still doesn't feel quite real that we're going back to the newborn stage.

I'm certainly starting to expand and I was actually asked yesterday when I am due, which made me feel really good because people won't ask that unless you actually look pregnant and I was feeling rather fat. I'm also feeling a lot more movement now and Josh even got to feel some kicks lately. It's such a beautiful feeling :-)

Ethan has learnt to blow kisses and absolutely loves when people applaud him. He's almost at running pace now and we spend our days trying to keep up with him. Much to his Mummy and Daddy's dismay, he's dropped the second nap and if he's not sleeping, he must be on the move.

Ethan aged 14 months and looking just like his Daddy!