Monday 14 April 2014

Nearly 9 weeks and morning sickness sucks!

I'll be 9 weeks on Friday and the morning sickness has arrived. I haven't vomited much but just feel terrible in the morning when I'm getting ready for work. I can't wait until maternity leave starts again. I really have no motivation to be there whatsoever.

We had a scan at 7 weeks and we seen a little heart beating at 122bpm. It was so exciting but at the same time, I hope the old wives are wrong on this one because that falls into the boy category for heartbeat.

In other news we have started planning a first birthday. That year has gone so incredibly fast and my little baby is fast turning into a toddler. Sometimes I just wish I could freeze time but at the same time, he delights me with every new thing that he learns to do. He's now scooting around all the furniture with ease and crawls at lightning speed. I think we'll have a walker very soon.

We now also have a third tooth and another one pressing against the gums! He's growing up way too fast.

8 weeks pregnant and I have a serious bloat bump.

A cheeky little boy!