Saturday 30 June 2012

Instructions for making a baby

I made a silly decision to tell a few family members and friends that we were TTC so I had every body trying to give me suggestions on how to make it happen. I have compiled a list of suggestions and who made them. This should at least hand you a bit of a laugh.

1. Stand on your head after sex- My father in law.
2. You do know that you have to have intercourse in order to make a baby?- DH's uncle who didn't know we were trying.
3. Just relax and try to forget about it- work mate.
4. Go on a holiday- Another work mate.
5. Make sure you have lots of sex around ovulation time- My mum!!!
6. Make sure you are doing it in the missionary position to avoid his stuff coming out- My friend.
7. Make sure you shove a pillow under your bum after sex- An aunt.

I might add to this list as time goes on. It's so funny hearing everyone's input on our sex life. A lot of conversations revolve around my ovaries and how often we have sex!!

Friday 29 June 2012

My journey so far....

I am 27 years old and currently trying to conceive my first child. I've created this blog more for myself than in the hopes that anyone else would read it as I will be able to vent on here when it all gets too much for me to deal with.

I have been with my husband for 9 years and he is my rock. My life would not be complete without him. We have been TTC for 18 months and during that time, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have done 6 unsuccessful rounds of clomid with only 2 ovulatory cycles. I have had a lap & dye and some ovarian drilling and now I seem to be ovulating again but still no baby.

There have been times when I have seen everyone around me getting pregnant and nearly given up hope of ever becoming a mother. I know 18 months isn't a long time compared to the struggles of some women but this past 18 months has felt like a life time to me.

This year my husband has lost his Mum and his Nan so it has been a really difficult year for us. I have just started what will be my last cycle on clomid and if I don't have any success then we will be looking down the barrel of IVF.

Wish me luck everyone....