Saturday, 1 September 2012

Told the family :-)

We thought that Fathers Day would be the perfect opportunity to share our news but my Dad was working on Father's Day so we invited Dh's Dad and my parents up for dinner last night and I wrote in their Father's Day cards "Love from Josh, Amanda and Baby Medley." I think we really surprised them.

We were so worried about how DH's Dad would react because we lost DH's Mum in May this year and he tends to get upset when he wishes that she were here to experience things with us. I know this has been hard on DH as well because he would love to tell his Mum and I know she would have been ecstactic. He got a little teary at one point but hid it well and seems excited about having a grand baby.

Tic Tac is due almost a year to the day since DH's Mum passed away. I think she has sent us this baby to bring us joy instead of pain upon the anniversary of her passing. I had a dream not long after she passed away and in the dream, she said to me "Don't worry your baby is coming soon." It felt so real and I'm sure it was a message from her. I know that wherever she is now, she knows about our little Tic Tac and is happy.

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