Well I think the morning sickness yesterday was actually a gastro bug that is going around work. I got to work and 4 of the children that I work with were at home sick with gastro and also a fellow staff member. I told the boss that I had been vomitting and a little diaohrea but that I wasn't sure if it was the bug or morning sickness and left it to her to decide what to do. She decided that she didn't want to risk me spreading it further and sent me home.
I went to the GP for a doctors certificate and he said that because I hadn't experienced any morning sickness prior to yesterday, he was putting his money on it being the gastro bug as morning sickness doesn't usually hit so suddenly. He did say that even if it was just morning sickness, it was definitely safer for me not to come in contact with the gastro bug as it could cause miscarriage if it gets bad. No morning sickness this morning so I think the doc was right.
I did another digi test this morning and it came up 3+ which definitely makes me happy as last Saturday it only said 1-2 so levels are obviously going up :-)
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