Thursday, 11 July 2013

9 weeks old...

Ethan is now 9 weeks old and although it hasn't been without it's challenges, he's a relatively easy baby to look after. We go to bed at midnight and he wakes for a feed at around 4am and then up again at around 8am. If we're lucky, he'll let us sleep in until 9am.

He's growing faster and the breastfeeding is going good but I think I'll switch him to formula at around 6 months just so I can regain some independence from him. We can't really leave him for too long with anyone because he needs the boobs and pumping isn't that easy.

We were so excited the other day because he rolled over for the first time!!! It was rollong off his tummy time pillow but I say that still counts. He got half way over all by himself later in the night but didn't quite make it all the way over. Both me and Josh were standing there like idiots making rolling motions at him like the force of us moving would give him he tip he needed to get over.

Sleepy Bubba Boy

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