Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Life with Ethan :-)

Well so far we haven't been without a few hiccups on the beginning of our parenting journey. Josh caught a cold a few days before Ethan was born and unfortunately passed it on to our little guy. Poor Ethan has ended with quite a stuffy nose :-(

At one point, I was sitting with Ethan and trying to comfort him at 3am, all the while thinking "This is all Josh's fault." In the cold hard light of day the following morning, I knew those thoughts were completely terrible because Josh didn't purposely get sick. I was just very unfortunate timing.

We had an appointment with the baby nurse yesterday and she suggested saline nasal drops to clear his nose. We went to the chemist and I said to the girl behind the counter that we needed something for a 2 week old to clear his nose and she said that you can't give him anything. At this point I was really confused and said that nurse had suggested saline drops so she checked with the pharmacist and she assured her that saline drops were completely safe for newborns.

The saline drops have been a godsend because before that, we were just suctioning his nose to remove the mucus and it was taking hours to get him to sleep. Last night, he slept a thousand times better which meant that Mummy got to sleep a thousand times better.

Everyone has been saying that he is completely adorable and it is so true. I was so thankful that he is cute because I have always been really honest about other people's babies so I was worried that karma would come and bite me LOL.

Anyway here is a photo of our gorgeous son. We may be sleep deprived but it is worth every sleepless night.

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