Friday, 12 October 2012

10 weeks...

I'm starting to relax a little more now as I heard that the rate of successful pregnancies from 10 weeks is 95% I know that I'm always thinking of the worst but I've waited so long for this that I worry so much that something is going to rip it away from me.

Last weekend we went to put flowers on my MIL's grave. I still really wish that she was here both for DH and me. She would have been so excited about this and I know how much she wanted to meet her grand kids. At one point when she was in hospital, they told her that she would have to be admitted into a nursing home (before everything went from bad to worse) and that devastated her because she would never get to baby sit our children.

Our NT scan is in 2 weeks and I just can't wait to see Tic Tac again. I asked for the early shift at work for that day well before the roster was written but I wasn't rostered on the early shift so I had to ask my boss to swap it. She must have complained about it to her boss because at the staff meeting, the director said that I must do the middle shift and that I should just feel lucky if I get an early shift at all. I said that I was fine with that but if I have an appointment then I will need the early shift. I refused to budge. I hate when you do everything right and still get in trouble for it :-/

Not really showing at all yet and all my clothes still fit. Can't wait to get a belly :-)

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