Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bubba Boy :-)

I had another growth scan yesterday and Tic Tac is now in the 90th percentile for growth. He now weighs approximately 2.7kg. He's making me a bit nervous because I'm worried that Dr G or the diabetes specialist will want to put me on insulin due to bubby's size. I really hope not.

A part from him being a big growing boy, the ultrasound tech said that he is perfectly healthy. When we got to the ultrasound place, bubba started to kick around like crazy like he was excited about the scan. As soon as the ultrasound started the lady laughed and asked if bubba was always this active. Even Mum got to feel him move! The technician said that she could have played with bubba boy all day.

We got some gorgeous pics and I think bubba is going to look just like his Dadddy <3

Love you little Man!!!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Little man's room coming together :-)

Well it has caused some stress but our little guy's room is starting to look like a nursery. I swear whoever designed flat packed furniture should be sued for the cost of everyone's marriage counselling.  We eventually called Josh's Dad and he came and helped us finish the cot.

In other news, we may have to switch to Wollongong hospital instead of Figtree Private. The costs keep mounting and NIB isn't really helping us with it :-( More appointments this week as well. I see Dr G today, the diabetes educator tomorrow and I have a scan on Wednesday YAY!!!!

8 more shifts of work to go....

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tic Tac at 30+5 weeks

Just thought I would add Tic Tac's most recent ultrasound picks. He's measuring in the 85th percentile and I'm still measuring 2 weeks a head on fundal height. Dr G thinks I will be on insulin sooner rather than later but I'm ok with it because I gave it my best shot with the diet.

Josh thinks he might have the Clarke feet LOL. I think he has the Clarke lip :-)

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A day for appointments...

Well today I'm having my first appointment with the diabetes specialist. I have written a food diary to take with me and I think I may have actually lost weight in the last couple of weeks because I've been writing everything down. I'm sure Tic Tac is getting what he needs though. I hope he doesn't put me on too strict a diet.

I also have an ultrasound this afternoon so that Dr G can keep tabs on how fast Tic Tac is growing. He doesn't want him to get too big. I expressed my concerns about whether I'll be able to have a natural birth as Mum wasn't able to because of her bone structure so Dr G has given me a referral for a scan to check it for me. I'm very happy with that because, although I would love to have a natural birth, I don't want to suffer through hours of labour only to find that I can't do it and need a c-section anyway.

I know how truly blessed I am to be pregnant and I thank God every day for my gorgeous baby boy but it's coming to that time in the pregnancy when I'm just plain tired. I feel huge, my back aches and I can't get comfortable in any position. Can't wait to meet my little boy and have him on the outside. Only 4 more weeks of work to go!!!

9 more weeks until due date :-)