Sunday, 24 February 2013

Been a while...

Well I've been lazy lately and it's been over a month since my last post. I thought I would add a bump photo so that I could keep it up to date.

29 weeks :-)

I have finished the painting in Tic Tac's room and Josh's Dad and Uncle came over and put the wall paper up for me. I'm very happy with the final product. Now the room just needs to be furnished and the paint off the floor. 

In other news, I think the powers that be have decided that my pregnancy has been going a little too easy so they've thrown in a case of gestational diabetes. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised considering the PCOS and being overweight but it's still upsetting. 

I'm trying not to let it get me down though because I know it can be managed with diet and exercise but it's just so hard to meal plan and exercise around work. I'm so tired after work that I get home and rely on the easy options. I've dieted plenty of times before but it's always been diets designed around allowing everything in moderation so this GD diet seems rather strict in my eyes. 

Obstetrician appointment this morning and I'm really looking forward to seeing bub again. Can't wait!!!